Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pioneers in STEM

Science | Technology | Engineering | Math

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Grades 3-12

It's never too early to learn science.

(Grades K-2)

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Science4Us covers Inquiry, Physical Science, Life Science and Earth & Space Science with 1000’s of online and offline activities that can be completed in as little as ten minutes, and teach students using videos, interaction, poems, songs, and digital notebooks.

Make fractions finally make sense.

Frax is adaptive and game-based, it uses the latest research-based instructional methods to create a better way to learn fractions. The fun challenges, personalized instruction, and motivating rewards help students build their skills and understanding of fractions.

(Grades 3-5)

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Adaptive and individualized, Reflex is the most effective system for mastering basic math facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Full of games that students love, Reflex takes students at every level and helps them quickly gain math fact fluency and confidence.

When they use Reflex, kids love math.

(Grades 2-6)

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Check out our other math and science products.

About ExploreLearning

ExploreLearning was founded in 1999 by educators looking for new ways to inspire students and help them succeed. We make innovative math and science online solutions that are fun to use and really work. 
Gizmos®️, Reflex®️, Frax®️ and Science4Us®️ are used in classrooms in every state and over 50 countries worldwide. 

ExploreLearning® is a Charlottesville, VA based company that develops online solutions to improve student learning in math and science.


© 2019 ExploreLearning. All rights reserved. Gizmo, Gizmos, Reflex, and Science4Us are registered trademarks of ExploreLearning.


110 Avon Street,
Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA



© 2025 ExploreLearning. All rights reserved. Gizmo, Gizmos, Reflex, and Science4Us are registered trademarks of ExploreLearning.







Tim Cook joined Apple in March 1998 as a senior vice president for worldwide operations, and was made the chief executive in 2011, prior to Steve Jobs' death in October of that year. Cook has advocated for the political reformation of international and domestic surveillance, cybersecurity, American manufacturing, and environmental preservation.

Learn how to detect and analyze water pollution. 

Tim Cook

Water Pollution Gizmo


Sally Ride broke down barriers and achieved amazing heights as the first female American astronaut. She joined NASA in 1983, the first year women were selected to join space missions. She went on to found Sally Ride Science, a foundation dedicated to promoting learning and careers in STEM. She also posthumously received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Explore the Solar System with Sally.

Sally Ride

Solar System Gizmo


Ming is a theoretical neuroscientist, entrepreneur, and author. She cofounded Socos Labs, to combine her varied work with that of other creative experts and expand their impact on global policy issues, both inside companies and throughout our communities. Her inventions include technology that helps separated families reunite, treat diabetes, and support individuals with bipolar disorder.

Treat Anthony’s Diabetes.

 Vivienne Ming

Homeostasis STEM Case


An innovative agricultural scientist, researcher, and environmentalist, George Washington Carver taught southern U.S. farmers to use crop rotation to restore the nutrients in the soil depleted by years of growing cotton. He also invented over 300 peanut-based products, including milk.

Help a strawberry farmer with his crops.

George Washington Carver

Fruit Production and the Environment STEM Case


Florence Nightingale is considered the founder of modern nursing, helping save countless lives by insisting on good hygiene, and treating patients with dignity. She was also an advocate for record-keeping, collecting extensive data to prove that poor conditions in hospitals were killing soldiers. She became the first female member of the Royal Statistical Society in 1858.

Show how statistics are important. 

Florence Nightingale

Describing Data Using Statistics Gizmo


Sara Josephine Baker was the first woman in the United States to receive a doctorate in public health. As the first director of New York’s Bureau of Child Hygiene, she nearly halved the child mortality rate and helped curb a typhoid outbreak in that city as well by helping identify the super-spreader.

Help stop the spread.

Sara Josephine Baker

Disease Spread Gizmo


Ben Barres was a neuroscientist who did groundbreaking work on brain cells known as glia and their possible relation to diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, multiple sclerosis, and glaucoma. Barres received his PhD in neurobiology in 1990 and joined Stanford University’s department of neurobiology as an assistant professor in 1993, becoming chairman of the department in 2008.

Explore a wide variety of cells, from bacteria to human neurons. 

Ben Barres

Cell Types Gizmo

The lives and contributions of LGBTQ+ people in STEM have not always been visible or celebrated. This month, highlight and honor those innovators whose work has made a huge impact on the world with Gizmos. 

What Are Gizmos?

Gizmos are online simulations that excite curiosity and invite interaction. With over 550 Gizmos in our library students can dig deeper into subjects and really understand challenging math and science concepts. Extensive teaching resources that help make planning and teaching easy are included. With Gizmos, kids get it.


One of the world’s most famous mathematicians and cryptographers, Alan Turing invented the bombe machines that broke Nazi codes during World War II. He is often considered the father of modern computing. In addition to shortening World War II, he also theorized about Artificial Intelligence and created the Turing Test to determine whether a computer can think. 

Program a robot and send it on its way. 

Alan Turing

Programmable Rover Gizmo