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What will strong math foundations unlock for your students?
This grant opportunity gives outstanding teachers full access to Reflex or Frax for the entire school year.
Teachers: Apply for an ExploreLearning Math Grant!
The math foundations developed in the early years have the potential to unlock advanced success for your students. Math fact fluency can free up students’ working memory, and it’s one of the strongest predictors of standardized test performance. And what about fractions? Research shows that knowledge of fractions significantly impacts students’ understanding of algebra and advanced math.
Unlock students’ potential and give them the keys to math success with an ExploreLearning Math Grant. Selected teachers in grades 2-6 will receive free school-year access to Reflex (grades 2+) or Frax (grades 3+) to use in their classrooms.
Teachers, choose the product that best aligns with your classroom needs and submit your application—it only takes 15 minutes! Grant spots are limited, so apply today for a fast-tracked review! Teachers must apply directly for the Grant Program. Administrators cannot apply.
About ReflexAbout FraxGrant DetailsReal ResultsContactAdaptive and individualized, Reflex is the most effective and fun system for mastering basic facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Reflex: The Key to Math Fact Fluency
- Engaging and motivating. Reflex continuously monitors math performance to help students build math strength at their own pace, while fun games and rewards boost motivation and confidence.
- Student success. Built on a fact family approach, Reflex helps all students develop fact fluency speed and accuracy. Across all achievement levels, students who use Reflex with high fidelity outscore their peers.
- Classroom support. Reflex includes intuitive and powerful reporting for teachers, schools, and districts to monitor student usage and celebrate progress.
- Response to Intervention (RTI). Reflex helps students at all intervention tiers succeed.
Apply for a Reflex GrantFrax stops the fraction struggle through an adaptive, game-based system that helps students build a strong understanding of fractions for ongoing success in higher mathematics.
Frax: The Key to Fractions Understanding
- Foundational instruction. Students work extensively with length models and number lines to understand fractions as numbers first.
- Research-based success. Across all achievement levels, students who use Frax meet or exceed growth benchmarks at significantly higher rates.
- Engaging and effective. Each Frax mission features game-based challenges that build understanding while motivating students with rewards for effort and progress.
- Classroom support. With Frax offline activities, comprehensive support materials, and real-time reporting, educators can quickly discover when students are struggling and how to help.
Apply for a Frax GrantWho can apply for a
math grant?
The ExploreLearning Math Grant Program is open to elementary classroom educators (grades 2+ for Reflex; grades 3+ for Frax) who teach mathematics in English-language schools outside of the United States.
If you teach in the United States, please click here.
How many students can
use the program?
The Grant Program allows teachers to use Reflex or Frax with one classroom of students (up to a maximum of 40).
How many teachers
can participate?
Up to two qualified educators per school may participate per unique grant.
Examples of real-life success.
Unlock Achievement with Reflex and Frax
- When students (scoring two or more grade levels behind) used Reflex and Frax, they were 2.5x more likely to reach on-grade level math proficiency by the end of 3rd grade compared to non-users.
- Students in Galicia, Spain, showed a significant improvement in mathematics fluency after using Reflex.
- Students using Reflex and Frax experienced larger score gains than non-users, and the most academically at-risk demonstrated even greater growth. Users were 60% more likely to exceed or meet typical growth goals and 100% more likely to exceed or meet stretch growth goals.
- Teachers gave Reflex an average rating of 9.1 out of 10. Nearly 99% of teachers saw increased attention, engagement, and student motivation with Reflex.
- Students who used Reflex with fidelity were 7.4x more likely to reach 100% fluency than those with low Reflex usage. These students also showed significantly higher growth on NWEA MAP Growth assessments.
- ESSA Tier 2 research found Frax was 3x more effective than the average educational intervention for 3rd graders and 5x more effective for 4th graders.
“Students love Reflex! It's a fun and easy way for teachers to ensure that students are learning their math facts. I see a difference with their quick recall of multiplication facts.”
-Teacher, Alliance Academy International. Quito, Ecuador
“Frax is comprehensive and the most impressive fractions program I have used.”
-Teacher, Westwind Regional Division 74. Alberta, Canada
“Reflex's approach has a clear and positive impact on student performance in mathematical operations.”
-Dr. Fernando Fraga Varela. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
“Reflex has had a positive impact on students’ confidence and how they regard themselves as learners. I am teaching a 3rd-grade pupil who has major difficulties in math. Through Reflex, she has become more confident and fluent. It is a good additional tool in teaching and it truly gives students the momentum they need to become more fluent.”
-Teacher, Collège du Léman. Geneva, Switzerland
“Frax keeps students engaged and has allowed me to make connections to what we do in class, which then strengthens their understanding. It has changed how I approach teaching fractions. Students LOVE the missions and are excited to tackle Frax each day.”
-Teacher, Edmonton Public Schools. Alberta, Canada
Interested in purchasing both Reflex and Frax? Contact your local sales rep to discuss bundle pricing!
Contact NowInterested in purchasing both Reflex and Frax? Contact your local sales rep to discuss bundle pricing!
Contact NowAre you looking for research-based solutions that bring results? Would you like to learn more about Reflex, Frax, or the Math Grant Program? Our team is here to help.
Request Reflex InformationRequest Frax InformationExploreLearning® is a Charlottesville, VA based company that develops online solutions to improve student learning in math and science.
© 2019 ExploreLearning. All rights reserved. Gizmo, Gizmos, Reflex, and Science4Us are registered trademarks of ExploreLearning.
110 Avon Street,
Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA
© 2025
ExploreLearning. All rights reserved. Gizmo, Gizmos, Frax, Reflex, and Science4Us are registered trademarks of ExploreLearning.
Unlock Math Fact FluencyUnlock Fractions KnowledgeApplicants with no previous Frax Grant or Reflex Grant experience will be given preference.
Apply for a Reflex GrantApply for a Frax GrantWhat will strong math foundations unlock for your students?
This grant opportunity gives outstanding teachers full access to Reflex or Frax for the entire school year.
Teachers: Apply for an ExploreLearning Math Grant!