Reflex Educator Grant Program - Details

The program is open to elementary and middle school classroom educators (grades 2-6) who teach mathematics in the United States, Canada, and English-language schools in other countries.

Who can apply?

How many students can use the program? 

The grant allows teachers to use Reflex with one classroom of students (up to a maximum of 35).

How many teachers can participate? 

Up to two qualified educators per school may participate. For public schools, there is also a limit of ten grantees per district. Please note that educators may only be awarded a grant for ONE 12-month period.

Here's what your fellow educators are saying...

We are sorry, but the Reflex Educator Grant Program application period has ended. If you would like to learn more, please take a free trial of Reflex or contact us for more information.

The Reflex Educator Grant Program application period is now closed.

Inquire about future grants
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Reflex Educator Grant Program - Details

The program is open to elementary and middle school classroom educators (grades 2-6) who teach mathematics in the United States, Canada, and English-language schools in other countries.

Who can apply?

How many students can use the program? 

The grant allows teachers to use Reflex with one classroom of students (up to a maximum of 40).

How many teachers can participate? 

Up to two qualified educators per school may participate. For public schools, there is also a limit of ten grantees per district. Please note that educators may only be awarded a grant for ONE school year, ending July 31, 2023.

Here's the typical process for Reflex Grants 








Submit Reflex Grant Application

Review by Reflex Grant Application Committee

Receive decision and review next steps (if accepted)

Sign up and complete required 90-min live training webinar

Begin using Reflex with your students

Please note: Due to the high volume of applications that we receive, the review process may take longer than expected.

Applicants with no previous Reflex grants will be given preference.

The Reflex Educator Grant Program

The Reflex Educator Grant Program

VIP Review Countdown

Final Deadline: March 1, 2020

VIP Review Countdown

Application deadline extension: October 27, 2019

Final Deadline: February 23, 2020

Ready to start Reflex right away? Take a free trial and seamlessly start your grant when approved!

Free 30-Day Trial

Adaptive and individualized, Reflex is the most effective system for mastering basic math facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Reflex takes students at every level and helps them quickly gain math fact fluency and confidence.

  • Engaging - adaptive online games that students love
  • Student Success - enable students to develop instant recall of math facts
  • Effective - uses research-proven methods to help improve test scores
  • Reporting - track fluency growth with powerful reporting for teachers and schools
  • Response to Intervention (RTI) - Reflex serves students at all intervention tiers and helps them succeed

What is Reflex?

With the Reflex grant, you can get this in your classroom to try for the entire school year, with no purchase required.